Coffee House Press publisher Chris Fischbach profiled on the NY Times' ArtsBeat blog

We were excited to see friend & publisher Chris Fischbach turn up in our feed today – the latest in the NY Times' ArtsBeat blog's series on poetry presses:

The latest in a series of occasional profiles of poetry publishers. These questions were answered by Chris Fischbach, a longtime editor at Coffee House Press who became publisher in 2011.

When you’re reading a manuscript submission by a writer you’re unfamiliar with, what are you looking for in the poems?

One thing I’m looking for is almost audacious daring. I want to sense that the poet knows what’s going on in contemporary poetry, but that she is attempting to do something very different, counter to any prevailing trend. This is how I felt when I read Anna Moschovakis’s “You and Three Others Are Approaching a Lake.”


What are some of the books you’re most proud to have published?

“The Iovis Trilogy”; “Collected Poems” by Ron Padgett; “Blood Dazzler” by Patricia Smith; “Shut Up Shut Down” by Mark Nowak; “The California Poem” by Eleni Sikelianos; “The Annotated ‘Here’ and “Selected Poems” by Marjorie Welish.

Click through to read the entire post.

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