A great tip today from Books & Whatnot for store owners and managers.

Beth Golay offers up solid advice for bookstore staff every weekday in her email newsletter, Books & Whatnot. (Seriously, it's worth the five minutes she asks of you each day.) 

Today's advice is on getting control of your social media logins and passwords:


"If your bookstore has been around for a while, your social media history probably began with a website. Then you might have added a MySpace profile, which was abandoned to create a Facebook page, closely followed by a Twitter account. Later you probably considered Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat.

And if you're like most businesses you either created these profiles yourself or, more likely, you had a younger person on staff create them. Login names are probably a litany of email addresses from staff members come and gone, and some might be personal email addresses instead of logins related to the store.

If you only have 5 minutes to devote to marketing today, use those 300 seconds to create a social media master spreadsheet. Make a list of login names and passwords for each account you have for the store. Take a look at the administrators with permission to edit your Facebook page. Does everyone on the list still work for you?"