Say hello to our new sales rep, Sandra Law!
Here's some news that we've been breathlessly waiting to share!
We are proud to announce that Sandra Law will be joining Abraham Associates, beginning October 11, as our new sales rep for Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and some Chicago stores.
Sandra will be taking over for Roy Schonfeld as he retires at the end of 2017.
For the last three years, Sandra has been the store manager at Anderson’s Bookshop in La Grange IL. Before that she was a store manager at H&M, and a manager and bookseller at Mitchell Books in Fort Wayne IN, and B&N.
We are thrilled to be able to draw on Sandra’s experience, insight, and passion as a bookseller, buyer, and store manager as she begins working with our publishers and booksellers.
(After Roy retires at the end of the year, as part of this territory reorganization, John will take over selling to stores in Kentucky.)
If you've got questions, email us at info [at]